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How to Make Homemade Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast

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    Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast. .

    Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast

    Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast. To get started with this recipe, you must prepare a few components. We can cook freakin's crockpot dr. pepper pot roast using 8 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

    The ingredients needed to make Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast:

    1. Get 5 lb of Beef Roast.
    2. Take 1/2 tsp of Salt.
    3. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Pepper.
    4. Take 1 tsp of Onion Powder.
    5. Get 1 tsp of Garlic Powder.
    6. Prepare 2 tbsp of Olive Oil.
    7. Take 2 cup of Dr. Pepper.
    8. Prepare 1 envelope of Onion Soup Mix.

    Steps to make Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast:

    1. Season both sides of beef with salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder..
    2. Heat olive oil in skillet. Make sure it is very hot..
    3. Sear both sides and edges of beef till nicely browned..
    4. Place beef in crockpot..
    5. Mix Dr. Pepper and onion soup mix in bowl..
    6. Pour over beef in crockpot..
    7. Cut potatoes into even size pieces..
    8. Place potatoes on top of beef in crockpot..
    9. Set crockpot on low and let cook for 8 hrs..
    10. Voila! Great easy meal...enjoy!.
    11. If desired, gravy may be thickened with 4 T. of all purpose flour and 1/4 C. of water mixed together. If you wish to do this, when beef and potatoes are done, remove from crockpot and keep warm..
    12. Add flour and water mixture to gravy in crockpot and mix well..
    13. Turn crockpot to high and bring mixture to boil..
    14. Stir frequently till thickened and it has cooked at least 3 minutes to remove flour taste..

    So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional recipe freakin's crockpot dr. pepper pot roast recipe. Thank you very much for your time.

    Recipe Info

    Recipe Cuisine :American
    Preparation Time :PT26M
    Cook Time :PT41M
    Recipe Yield :4
    Category :Dessert
    Author : Rating Value :4.3
    Rating Count :18
    Calories :213 calories
    Keyword : Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast Name : Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast Description : Freakin's Crockpot Dr. Pepper Pot Roast contentUrl : embedUrl : uploadDate : 2018-02-05T08:00:00+08:00 thumbnailUrl:

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