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Easiest Way to Prepare Favorite Beef stew

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    Beef stew. .

    Beef stew

    Beef stew. To begin with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have beef stew using 12 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

    The ingredients needed to make Beef stew:

    1. Prepare 5 kg of beef, chopped into small pieces.
    2. Prepare Half cup of cooking oil.
    3. Get 2 of onions, chopped.
    4. Get Half cup of robot peppers, chopped.
    5. Get 1 tablespoon of crushed ginger and garlic.
    6. Take Half cup of curry leaves.
    7. Prepare of Medium curry powder.
    8. Get of 6gun grill spice.
    9. Take of chicken spice.
    10. Make ready of bbq spice.
    11. Take of Rich hearty beef soup.
    12. Get of Beef stock.

    Instructions to make Beef stew:

    1. In a pot, heat the cooking oil.
    2. Once the oil is hot add onions and crushed garlic and curry powder.
    3. Stir until onion is soft then add beef.
    4. Continue to stir and simmer.
    5. Once the beef is half cooked add robot peppers, beef stock and curry leaves.
    6. Stir and simmer and check regularly.
    7. Once the meet is tender mix your soup and add in your pot.
    8. Simmer for about 5 minutes then it is ready to serve.

    So that's going to wrap it up for this exceptional recipe beef stew recipe. Thanks so much for your time.

    Recipe Info

    Recipe Cuisine :American
    Preparation Time :PT22M
    Cook Time :PT17M
    Recipe Yield :3
    Category :Dinner
    Author : Rating Value :5
    Rating Count :14
    Calories :287 calories
    Keyword : Beef stew Name : Beef stew Description : Beef stew contentUrl : embedUrl : uploadDate : 2018-02-05T08:00:00+08:00 thumbnailUrl:

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